The success of each program or event depends on many factors like a beautiful backdrop, props and a colourful scenario. The responsibility is given to make the program more effective, attractive and colourful on the Art Department, which they are doing very creatively.
The Art Department plays an important role in making the children more innovative, creative and interactive. Every year we conduct many workshops, competitions and exams for students. These are some highlights of it…..
Every year Elementary and Intermediate drawing Grade exams are conducted from school .we prepared students for the exams. The results are surprisingly good, many students pass with Grade A and Grade B.
Students participating in various competitions like, Navneet Drawing competition, Camel Art competition, Poster competition and so many competitions from other schools and organizations like Rotary club /Who/Cry also conducted.
In academics Art Department is teaching not only drawing and colouring but also various Art forms like, composition, Madhubani Art, Gond Art, Mosaic Art, Hatching and cross Hatching technique ,sculpting etc. Many different types of crafts are also taught by the Art Department every year.
The glimpses of Art Departments work is as follows……..